Sunday, March 10, 2013

STRAP ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND LET’S DO THIS! (Dedicated to Danielle, wink wink)

     If there was a catchy way to say this for men AND women I would have titled it that way but since men don’t wear panties (well some do, but that’s neither here nor there),  I had to change my verbiage to sound catchy.  OK, so here’s the damn deal people…if you want results you can’t half ass shit.  Seriously if you want to make a change it’s all or nothing.  Sure one little step at a time works too……but you are dragging that crap out.  Get serious and get in the damn game.  It’s time for a reality check.  I had my reality check in the beginning of January when I started having heart palpitations and went to the hospital.  I was terrified and the entire time in my head I knew a lot of what I was experiencing was because I was about 100 plus pounds overweight and leading an unhealthy life style.  Compound that shit with stress?  You are looking at a whole melting pot that could have potentially turned into one huge ass disaster.  I should be clearer on this…before all this stuff happened in January I already knew Chief and I were prime candidates for possibly heart disease, diabetes and God knows what else!  I knew the way Chief and I were living was risky.  We would eat crappy food more than not, and do take out 2-3 times a week. What the fuck was I teaching my 4 year old Igor???? ( For new readers who haven't read past entries, Igor is my "stage" name for my son).  I knew something needed to either change or one or both of us were going to end up with some major medical issue at a young age.   Thank God my friend Jacqui (love that girl more than anything) convinced me to try the Isagenix.
       I feel the need to explain a little more of what is going on with this program and how and why it works. Partly because being educated on it is important and partly because I’m tired of some of my friends looking at me like I have 3 heads when I talk about it. Of the three different plans they have, Healthy Aging, Athletic Performance and Weight Loss, clearly the weight loss package was the one for the hubster and me.  Since Chief also needed to lose weight we started it together.  We follow the plan as close as possible and have seen amazing, amazing results and feel wonderful on top of it.  Not everyone who starts this has a ton of weight to lose. I think that is where there is some confusion.  The idea behind it is to give yourself pure good 100% organic nutrition as opposed to what you were putting in your body before.  It’s a cellular cleanse people…and half-assing it or getting down on yourself  if you didn’t drop 10 pounds the first week is just silliness.  Rome wasn’t built in a damn day! You have to get the old crap out and the good stuff in to see results.  Also if you don’t have a significant amount to lose like we do, of course it isn’t going to fall off at lightning speed.  That is where I need to explain more… This program is about making you feel better…getting pure nutrition in you -the weight loss is a side effect of that.  As your cells are being cleaned, the visceral fat is no longer needed to protect your organs from the everyday toxins we have been putting in our bodies, therefore it releases that fat off of our bodies.  Sure you can go on eating the same old regular foods you did, even if it’s fruits, veggies, lean meats and low fat stuff, but the problem here is that it still holds tons of toxins, chemicals, anti-biotics, etc if it isn’t organic.  So let’s put it this way….if you don’t do the cleaning, you are going to eventually rebound and gain all that weight you lost back because your body is still toxic. And if you are like I was in the past, you will gain an extra 20 lbs on TOP of the that. (Trust me when I tell you this, I used to be the world’s biggest Yo-yo dieter because I never changed WHAT I ate.  I just changed the portions of it)……. I NEVER, EVER in a million years would have believed that this was legit until I put it into action.   I have also been doing some major research as to WHY it works because that is really important to me...if I’m going to do something I want to know why it is working, I want to know what I was doing wrong before to always get the same shitty ass results-losing and gaining, losing and gaining…rinse and fucking repeat…Never really feeling energized and still always feeling tired and as I like to put it…like a slug.
      I have watched and read some really informative stuff on all the toxins in our food and meat these days..It is some SCARY, CRAZY SHIT.  I will be honest I used to be one of those people who would make fun of people who ate all organic. ( Like seriously make fun of them….for real)   It’s called ignorance and I was a huge culprit of it.  Complete ignorance….I turned a blind eye to it because like they say “ignorance is bliss”.  Bliss? Really?  No ignorance is a fatty on the couch feeling like crap, eating Cheeto’s and brownies. When I started the Isagenix and immediately felt the difference..that is when I began to read up on the how’s and why’s.  I wanted and NEEDED to be informed.   Do yourselves a favor, whether you are a  man or woman,  read the book “Skinny Bitch” (Thank you Rosie for buying me that…it’s amazing) and watch these documentaries…”Food, Inc.” and “The Future of Food”.  You will never look at what you have been putting in your mouth the same again.  These are JUST a few……. But they will scare the crap out of you.  There is tons more…but these are some really good ones.

       I don’t want the already slimmer people thinking they are gonna go from 140 lbs in a month down to 110 just because Chief and I lost so much our first 30 days.  We are BIG people…we will have bigger, faster weight loss results then say a size 8 person.    So here comes the part about strapping on your big girl panties and doing it. (Usually, yes we take off our panties to “do it” but in this case we are putting them on! Get your freak minds out of the gutter people! Sheesh!)  Get your butt off the couch and get moving.  Sure the pounds of fat have been shedding off of the hubster and me, but we work at it too.  We decided to get our fat asses out of the lazy boy’s and start moving….. I can’t stress enough how working out makes you feel EVEN BETTER than just sitting there and letting the program do the work for you.  To the people out there who already work out you have half the success plan under your belt…now it’s a matter of getting the right nutrition in your body to clean your dirty, foul, shamefully toxic cells of all that nasty ass stuff.  (If my body were a classroom and my cells were the student’s their asses would have been in the principal’s office because they were so freaking bad!)
       Chief and I went from very inactive couch potatoes to movers and shakers.  We never had the energy before like we do now... I’ve never seen the Chief run……now he runs… for 40 minutes at a time.  Who is this sexy-ass hot man running on the treadmill in my house??????  Let me at him!  This man who used to house an entire pizza by himself before said to me the other day as he tied his running shoes “this is my favorite part of the day, getting on the treadmill”………….whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???  Who are you and what did you do with my husband?  At some point in time there has been and abduction of the old Chief and a new one set in his place. I mean don’t get me wrong I am LOVING this side of him…this side of us I should say….. We both work out now all the time, but nothing sexier than a man caring about how he looks and working hard to get to that point.  He strapped on his big girl panties, so to speak, on day one and has been putting every effort into becoming super healthy since….and has the weight loss to prove it.  People who haven’t seen him in awhile can’t believe what he looks like now.  I am so proud of the changes we have both made, but mostly for the changes he has made.  He is one stubborn ass man….I must admit I was so worried starting this, that he wouldn’t stick to it but holy shit Chief is a maniac! He never ceases to amaze me.  I am so happy to be on this journey with him.

      Let’s now talk about the new people on my team, who have joined up with us to embark on a better life for themselves.  I’m giving a shout out to Laura and Greg (you guys are ROCKING THIS SHIT)and getting amazing results, feeling super energized, dropping weight and are only about 2 weeks in and you are finding it so easy to follow.  Laura said to me she has not had any coffee since starting or diet soda (she was like me and drank that shit all day long to keep awake). Chantel started just a few days ago.  She has suffered for years going doctor to doctor feeling like hell, taking lots of different medications to no avail.  No one has been able to figure out what was wrong or help…on her first day in and she posted that she was able to get through her day without a struggle.  She did laundry, cleaned her house and played with her daughter.  These tasks were normally such a struggle for her.  She has also already quit smoking, feels fantastic and lost about 6 lbs.  My girl Lindsey, started 3 days ago and said to me today that she hasn’t been able to clean her apartment in so long because she’s felt like crap, and then today she felt so good from starting using the Isagenix that she cleaned her apartment!!! She also mentioned she hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in so long…..guess what people…her ass is sleeping soundly now!!!  HELLOOOOOOO can we say this is definitely something that works?!  It’s amazing when you put the right stuff in your body the stuff it can do! These results are just some testimonials from the people on my team.   I’m not here to shove the system down people’s throats. ….I’m here to tell you MY results so far and the results of the people I have shared the program with.   If you are interested in trying the plan, you know where to find me….. I’m so excited for my very good friend Eric to start his 30 day cleanse tomorrow.  I know he is going to feel amazing and it’s gonna benefit him beyond belief.
       So in closing, I know this was a very long entry.  I also know I needed to write it to explain about my journey, my husband’s journey and what YOUR journey can look like if you choose to take it.  Thank you to all my supporters out there...I'll catch up again time with a funny entry....for now I gotta go strap on those running shoes my friends, the treadmill is calling my name!

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