Tuesday, June 4, 2013

LEAP OF FAITH (Taking that first jump out of your comfort zone)

I’m a skeptic.  Like big time………., probably because I have tried everything out there…..at least twice.  I don’t think I know anyone more skeptical about weight loss programs then yours truly.  I’ve done Atkins, Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, The Zone, Nutri-System,  Sensa (that shit caused blisters on my tongue and cheeks! How scary is that????) I even tried Richard Simmons- Move Groove and Loose (Shut up!  I could eat all the mushrooms and celery I wanted to and I didn’t have to slide the little thing over on my handy pocket calorie and food counter with the nifty pictures on it!).  And now for the BIG LAUGH………….I’ve sweated to the oldies too folks…yep!  Me and Richard and our terry cloth headbands strutting our stuff around like we were the shit!  Anyway, this is just to name a few….. I’ve also choked down every diet pill you can imagine…Dexatrim, Xenadrine, Alli, Phytodren, and a slew of others you can buy off the shelf of so called “health stores”.   My “dieting” started back in grade school.  My mom always was on a diet and I always felt like I had some weight to lose so I thought it was the thing to do.  So I would sneak diet pills.  That’s where it started.  They would cut my appetite, yet at the same time give me these crazy jitters, but I didn’t care, because I didn’t want to eat right? And not eating meant not gaining weight, right???  How naïve we can be.  When that wasn’t enough for me, I would start vomiting up my food or not eating at all.  The desperation overtook my better judgment.  The harm I was doing to my body at such a young age was insane.  I’ve spoken before in my blogs about the binging and purging and the not eating at all as well..About the pill after pill I threw down my throat to try to help me get to that ever sought after goal weight….the depleting entire food groups in hopes to drop lots of weight…it never ended, this hamster wheel I just couldn’t get off of.  This body of mine has been through hell….and I was the one who put it through it.  All so I could look acceptable to society on the outside.  It didn’t matter to me how I got there, as long as I no longer was the heavy one.  This went on throughout most of, if not all of my adulthood, except during pregnancy.  The pills, the purging at times, the cutting whole food groups, the extreme calorie cutting, the fad diets.  I thought that was the only way.  I mean they practically jam that shit down your throat with beautiful, fit women on TV every day right?  Well, I wanted to look like them.  I wanted to be lean, trim, and beautiful…like them.  I wanted to be the one people were looking at because I looked really good, not because I was the overweight one in the room (fyi, this was my mindset, for all I knew people weren’t even judging me, but when you are heavy it goes through your mind all the time…that being uncomfortable in your own skin kind of deal)….. Sadly on all the fad diets, any amount of weight I would lose, even if it was with Weight Watchers and controlling my portions, I would gain it all back plus another 20 because no matter what, the processed foods, the pesticide covered fruits and vegetables, the hormone laden meats and cheeses…were still going in my system.  I didn’t realize all of that was so toxic and that is why my body kept yo-yo’ing back to BIG….because you could get skinny as a rail, but when you are still toxic and acidic, your body does NOT like that environment, so it packs on the fat to protect the organs…hence why I would always gain everything back plus some. 
I have found my solution…not a diet…not a fad….…I took that leap of faith and couldn’t be more satisfied with my choice to do so and with the amazing results I have had because of that leap.  Fifty-six pounds gone in 17 weeks using Isagenix nutritional cleansing program.  No diet pills, no fads, no binging, no purging, no depleting food groups, no calorie counting, no point counting….Just pure whole food organic nutrition…and by far the EASIEST plan I’ve ever followed…and when you stick the right fuel in your body it has nothing else to do but use the fuel the way it was supposed to.  I have been building my team along the way and making friends along this same journey.  Some are doing it for weight loss, some are doing it just to be healthier in general and lose the toxicity. 
So I can only see myself reaching my goals, losing the other 49 lbs by my birthday on September 30th…. and for once in my life being able to maintain that for the rest of my life with this program.  It has become a lifestyle for me and I wouldn’t change it for the world.  Yes, yes, I know this blog entry was not funny like my normal ones can be, but I just want the people out there that are on the fence about changing their life and health and even their wealth, if you let me show you how, to know sometimes you just have to take that “leap of faith” to lose what you don’t want and gain everything you do!

For all my readers, I will be holding a “Sweatin’ to the Oldies” class in my living room every third Thursday of the month!  Who’s with me????